
Tag Archives: open lab

Open Workshop: Saundaryalahari
Yati Durant (Reid School of Music, University of Edinburgh) will conduct a 3 day workshop at (Art)ScienceBLR from 30th July to 1st August. The workshop is [...]
open labs poster
Open Labs at Science Gallery, Dublin
We are very excited to start our 10th anniversary year by showing some of our current and past work at the OPEN LABS exhibition at the Science Gallery, [...]
Open Workshop: Understanding Ecology & Evolution
Our planet is home to millions of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Recent modifications of our planet by humans have resulted in over 50 percent of the [...]
Open Workshop: Building Community Wireless Networks
Join us on Thursday, January 17th, for our next Open Workshop: Building Community Wireless Networks. This workshop aims to build a community wireless [...]
Open Workshop: Retro Games
Open Workshop: Retro Games Introduction to game programming with Python. In this Open Workshop we will look to build old retro games over two sessions. We [...]
Animal Perception
Open Workshop: Animal Perception
Open Workshop: Animal Perception   The ability of animals to display and change colour is widespread in nature. It is used in communication, [...]
Arduino Programming in Kannada has been developing Indian language interfaces for the Arduino IDE. (Art)ScienceBLR with Arduino India ran a workshop to test the software in [...]