Our planet is home to millions of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Recent modifications of our planet by humans have resulted in over 50 percent of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere to be altered and it is increasing at a rapid pace. Thus, we are in a phase where transformative changes in thinking and developing new ideas for a sustainable future is the key to healthy survival of all living beings. To address the challenges all organisms are facing, understanding the concept of ecology, evolution and how the environment functions is important. The origin of ecology as a field of science began with the application of experimental and mathematical methods to understand organism-environment relationships and how ecological communities function.
Participants will learn basic concepts of evolution with a practical experimental approach; how to address ecological questions and understand the various natural processes that function in an ecosystem. This workshop will also train them in asking scientific questions and designing studies to address issues concerning sustainable ecosystem functioning.
This workshop is ideal for participants aged 17 years and above.
The fees for this workshop is ₹ 1,500. This is inclusive of all materials and light refreshments. Please write to us for student, faculty and other discounts.
To register, write to us at artscienceblr@gmail.com.