Saturday Open Lab Workshops – August Schedule
Join us this August for Saturday Open Lab Workshops!
Build Your Own Computer | 18.08.2018
An introduction to building and using Raspberry Pi.
Participants will learn how to program their Raspberry Pi using Python and how to interface to external circuits.
They will also explore some of the other tools available within Raspberry Pi.
Introduction to 3D Printing | 25.08.2018
An introduction to 3D modeling and printing.
Participants will learn how to make 3D models using FreeCAD and how to print them on the 3D printer themselves.
Participants can take their finished models home.
Build Your Own Camera | 01.09.2018
An introduction to analog photography.
Participants will learn how to build their own pinhole cameras and the basics of analog photography.
They will also learn how to process their images themselves in a dark room.
To register, write to us at artscienceblr@gmail.com. Only 10 seats are available per workshop.