Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg was a resident artists at (Art)ScienceBLR in June 2010. During her time, she mentored the (Art)ScienceBLR 2010 iGEM team.
Daisy is a designer, artist and writer, developing experimental approaches to imagine new roles and ideals for design. Through designing objects, workshops, writing and curating, Daisy investigates design’s aesthetic and ethical futures with collaborators around the world including scientists, engineers, artists, designers, social scientists, galleries and industry. Her expertise includes design and synthetic biology. Daisy studied architecture at the University of Cambridge, design at Harvard University and Design Interactions MA at the Royal College of Art. She publishes, lectures and exhibits internationally, with work shown at MoMA New York, London’s Design Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Israel Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo and the National Museum of China. Talks include TEDGlobal, PopTech, Design Indaba and DLD. She received the World Technology Award for Design 2011 and the London Design Medal for Emerging Talent 2012, and is twice nominated for Designs of The Year (2011, 2015). She leads Studio Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, an experimental design research studio. Daisy’s bangalore diary is here.
Daisy worked with James King together on E. chromi which won the best project award at the 2009 iGEM competition.