(Art)ScienceBLR was invited by Campus Diaries to host and organise a workshop for their 25 under 25 grand summit event. There were around 120 people attending the workshop. The participants would be making robot musicians a.k.a. ROBOTBandinators.
The participants were divided into teams and they started making their own FunkySexyROBOTBandinator. They were given the components that they will need and an illustrated guide telling them what goes where.
How to build a robotbandinator
The RobotBandinator consistes of 2 basic elements, a light theremin and 2 robots. The participants had to figure out how they were going to bring these together to make a robot musician.
Most of the teams divided up the tasks amongst themselves. They worked simultaneously on the electronics and making the structure of the robot with found materials.
Some of the SexyFunkyROBOTBandinators